Saturday, April 12, 2014

AURA KINGDOM : Abbreviation Language that we use

Everyone should know about MMORPG, or we can said that Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
as we know there are a lot of slank world that we use in MMORPG to help us talk with other player
well, now I will inform some of them
maybe you need it
This is from one of famous MMORPG that update lately

If you want to play, here the link
for your information, all of it free ^^

Here my character there:

well, let's continue:

I will explain it with 2 language, English and Indonesian (Bahasa)

  • LFP (Looking for Party) = Sedang mencari party
  • LFM (Looking for Members)= Sedang mencari member
  • LFG (Looking for guilds)   = Sedang mencari guild
  • TP/Tele = Teleport member party (Fungsi ketua party)
  • Lead/Leader = Ketua
  • WTB  (Want to buy) = ingin membeli
  • WTS  (Want to sell) = ingin memjual
  • WTT  (Want to trade) = ingin bertukar
  • B/O (Buy out) = Harga langsung beli ( Msh bisa nawar dan biasa ny dijual kepada penawaran tertinggi )
  • Best offer = Penawar tertinggi
  • C/O (Current Offer) = penawaran terakhir
  • GL (Good Luck) (biasa kalo mau instance/dungeon)
  • GF (Good Fights) = Petarungan yang bagus ( Bentuk kesopanan sesama player | Ampir gk pernah ada di games indo :v yang ada saling ngejek)
  • IGN (In Game Name) = Nama char di game
  • GH (Guild Hall)
  • GS (Gear Score) = point equip , tapi orang2 juga sering mengartikan GS sebagai (GunSlinger)
  • PVP (Player versus Player) = Antara duel sama orang lain, ikut excelsior arena, atau tanuki
  • PVE (Player versus Environment) = Intinya kita lawan monster dah..
  • AFK (Away from Keyboard) = biasanya orangnya pergi (ga ada di depan komputer)
  • BRB (Be Right Back) = Akan segera kembali.
  • FYI (For Your Information) = Sekedar informasi saja

  • Lure/pull/Taunt  = taunting monster ; Narik momon (Biasa dilakukan oleh bard/tanker dalam tarik 1 map dan dilakukan oleh Tanker dlm melawan boss)
  • B2B (Boss to boss) = similiar with lure but can taunt until boss area ; kayak lure tapi ini nariknya sampe ke tiap boss (ga sampe map terakhir), nanti semua momonnya dihajar sekalian sama bossnya. Kalo lure kan biasanya setiap member bakal bediri di depan portal, kalo b2b semua member juga ikutan lari ke boss.
  • Aggros/Malice   = Monster aggresively ; Keagresifan monmon terhadap kita
  • AOE (Area of effects) = Area attack ; Serangan Area ( Di AK AOE monster di tandai dgn warna merah ) 
  • Buff = give skill status ; Memberikan skill yang menambah status kekuatan.
  • Debuff/Disable = give skill to reduce or stop status ; Meberikan skill yang mengurangi/menghentikan status kekuatan.
  • HOT (Heal Over Time) = Skill heal yang healnya berlangsung beberapa detik (contoh: skill Ballad)
  • DOT (Damage Over Time) = Skill damage yang damagenya berlangsung beberapa detik (contoh: skill Blissful Harmony nya bard)
  • DOC (Damage on Cast) = Tipe skill yang total damagenya langsung aktif ketika animasi / proyektil skill tersebut hit ke musuh.
  • DPS = Damage Per Second, total damage yang dihasilkan dalam 1 detik, biasanya tipe-tipe class damage dealer memiliki DPS yang tinggi.
  • Burst = designation that we use when the class can use high DPS with some duration ; Istilah yang dipakai ketika suatu class (biasanya damage dealer) dapat mengeluarkan DPS yang tinggi dalam durasi tertentu, yang dikarenakan buff effect atau extra damage potion atau sejenisnya.
  • Kite = push the monster to follow your character with keeping the aggro monster to your character ; Memaksa monster untuk mengikutimu sambil tetap menjaga agro monster ke kamu. Kite adalah bentuk 'tanking' bagi non-tank.


  • Damage Dealer (DD) = This type class focus to damage enemy, and have high DPS ; Tipe class yang fokus untuk men-damage musuh, memiliki DPS rata-rata yang lebih tinggi dibanding Healer atau Tanker.
  • Nuker = Sub-tipe DD which have DOC skill type with a large area ; Sub tipe DD yang cenderung memiliki skill tipe DOC dengan area yang cukup luas.
  • Tanker = Tukang TB alias Badak
  • Debuffer = Tukang memberi buff negatif (Ikat/Stun/Sleep/Bleed/Curse dll)
  • Healer = Tukang Ngeheal.
  • Glasscannon = Designation to class that can give High Damage but have low defense ; Sebutan bagi kelas yang dapat memberikan damage super besar (Burst damage) tapi memiliki defense super kecil. (Hence glasscannon, glass karena defnya rapuh, cannon karena damagenya sakit)
  • Offensive Tanker = designation to secondary tanker in party ; Sebutan bagi secondary tanker dalam ber-party. Tugas off-tank bukan untuk tanking mob, tapi untuk menahan agro di dia sampai main tank bisa ambil alih kembali agronya.
  • Kiter = Designation to class that can kite ; Sebutan bagi kelas yang bisa kiting. Apa itu kiting? Kiting adalah metode di mana kamu memaksa monster mengikutimu sambil menjaga agro monster tersebut tetap di dirimu

  • DMG (Damage) = Serangan
  • CRIT (Critical) = Kritikal (chance untuk bisa menghasilkan serangan sesuai dengan % CRIT DMG)
  • CRIT DMG (Critical Damage) = Damage atau nilai serangan yang diberikan ketika critical keluar
  • SPD (Speed) = Kecepatan
  • HP (Health Points) = Nyawa
  • DEF (Defense) = Pertahanan
  • EVA (Evasion) = Hindaran
  • ACC (Accuracy) = Akurasi. Biasanya orang yang EVA nya tinggi akan sulit diserang. ACC dapat ditingkatkan untuk memudahkan kita menyerang orang yang build EVA


  • TOE = Temple of Eidolons.
  • DH = Dimension Hall
  • AT = Alabastren Temple
  • GG = Gydaie Glen
  • MS = Miner's Steppe
  • DC = Deep's Cavern
  • CC = Candeo Core
  • WT = Wrathborne Temple
  • OS = Otherworld Skandia
  • OW = Otherworld
  • GC = Ghostweep Cave
  • OT = Ozymand Temple
  • ST = Sky Tower
  • IA = Infernal Abyss
  • WA = Whirpool Abyss
That's all for now, hope it can help;

Have fun in game

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Advertizing chance Pay4Shares money maker

Yo guys
just wanna to share something like money maker chance
here you know that there aare a lot of money maker site that giving us chance to gain some somey from internet, but don't you know that most of them want us to paid several dollars in the first time
well I think it just like "man this is suck!"
then I'll try to give you a chance to gain that without paid anything

here the link, try to check it out:

this site it just kind make us help them to advertize their client and guve us some of their profit
and the best information is, all of it free
we just make the account and advertize it or make everyone check link that you gave

if you asked me are they giving us free money? the answer is nope.
they paid you from the advertisement that you did
if they lied to you, at least you didn't suffer the financial loss

Try it and prove it

if there are any question just post it and I'll try to answer it

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine day's

A lot of people don't know what the meaning of Valentine day's
Valentine day isn't just for a couple, but valentine day's also for everyone.
because in that day, everyone express their love to others, not just to their boyfriend/girlfriend but also for their friends and family.
actually behind the joyful of Valentine day's there are a sadness story.

Numerous early Christian martyrs were named Valentine. The Valentines honored on February 14 are Valentine of Rome (Valentinus presb. m. Romae) and Valentine of Terni (Valentinus ep. Interamnensis m. Romae). Valentine of Rome was a priest in Rome who was martyred about AD 269 and was buried on the Via Flaminia. The flower crowned skull of St Valentine is exhibited in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome. Other relics are found in the Basilica of Santa Prassede,also in Rome, as well as at Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland.

Valentine of Terni became bishop of Interamna (modern Terni) about AD 197 and is said to have been martyred during the persecution under Emperor Aurelian. He is also buried on the Via Flaminia, but in a different location than Valentine of Rome. His relics are at the Basilica of Saint Valentine in Terni (Basilica di San Valentino).

The Catholic Encyclopedia also speaks of a third saint named Valentine who was mentioned in early martyrologies under date of February 14. He was martyred in Africa with a number of companions, but nothing more is known about him. Saint Valentine's head was preserved in the abbey of New Minster, Winchester and venerated.

February 14 is celebrated as St Valentine's Day in various Christian denominations; it has, for example, the rank of 'commemoration' in the calendar of saints in the Anglican Communion In addition, the feast day of Saint Valentine is also given in the calendar of saints of the Lutheran Church. However, in the 1969 revision of the Roman Catholic Calendar of Saints, the feast day of Saint Valentine on February 14 was removed from the General Roman Calendar and relegated to particular (local or even national) calendars for the following reason: "Though the memorial of Saint Valentine is ancient, it is left to particular calendars, since, apart from his name, nothing is known of Saint Valentine except that he was buried on the Via Flaminia on February 14.

Because of his love Saint Valentine die, but my opinion saint valentine can do something like that because he was felt how is the Love from God. so as the modern people we shouldn't celebrate Valentine with something not appropriate or negative things but we should celebrate it with a positive things with everyone.

Happy Valentine guys

Friday, October 19, 2012

Update of Undergraduate Scholarship 2012

1. France Scholarship
embassy of France
indonesian student can submit or get more info in Campus France - IFI Surabaya for coursing
address :
Kompleks AJBS Blok C2
jalan Ratna no. 14 Surabaya 60246
web :

estimate for the cost as long you're in France
181 Euro/year for bachelor student ( License)
250 Euro/year for Master student
all of it plus social insurance +200 Euro/year

link: starts every year from 1st January till 31th december (DDIP/DoubleDegree) every 30th april

from thye goverment, there are some help for the student with the language with AuPair the goverment of france Eifell corporation

2. Australia Scholarship
The Australia Awards aim to promote knowledge, education links and enduring ties between Australia and our neighbours through Australia’s extensive scholarship programs.

The Australia Awards are comprised of two streams: an achievement stream that targets the best and brightest students, researchers and professionals to come to Australia and for Australians to do the same offshore; and a development stream that builds capacity in developing countries.

The Australia Awards initiative will, over time, build a new generation of global leaders with strong links to Australia.

The Australia Awards brings the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) scholarships together under the Australia Awards program.

 Australian Awards
 The Australia Awards aim to promote knowledge, education links and enduring ties between Australia and our neighbours through Australia's extensive scholarship programs.

The Australia Awards are comprised of two streams:
an achievement stream that targets the best and brightest students, researchers and professionals to come to Australia and for Australians to do the same offshore
and a development stream that builds capacity in developing countries.

The Australia Awards initiative will, over time, build a new generation of global leaders with strong links to Australia.

The Australia Awards brings the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) scholarships together under the Australia Awards program

List of scholarship can be seen here:

3. United States of America Scholarship
A. Canada
Humber College Canada
Humber College
Undergraduate Degree

Deadline: 15 Nov/1 July (annual)
Study in: Canada
Course starts September 2013

Brief description:
Humber offers full tuition renewable scholarships for NEW international undergraduate students beginning classes in September of each year. Aside from these scholarship, they have other scholarship programs ranging from CAD 1,000-5,000 in value.

Host Institution(s):
Humber College in Ontario, Canada

Field of study:
Any undergraduate programme offered at the University

Number of Scholarships:
Three (3) – two offered in September and one offered in January of each year.

Target group:
International Students

Scholarship value/inclusions:
Full Tuition (Approximate value $12,800 CAD)


Applications will be considered based on academics, community involvement, referee/reference letters and statement of interest. Renewal of the scholarship will be based on the student’s ability to maintain a 70% GPA in each year of his/her program at Humber.

Application instructions:

You will only receive the scholarship application instructions and forms once you have been accepted for admissions. Therefore, you must first apply for admissions before you can apply for the scholarship. The scholarship application forms will be included in your acceptance package. Read the step-by-step application process. International students are encouraged to submit their applications on 1 July (September intake) and 15 November (January intake).

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship


Fairleight Dickinson University

Col. Fairleigh S. Dickinson Scholarship
$11,000 to $25,000 per year

Academic scholarships awarded to qualified, first-time undergraduate freshmen.
Recommended criteria: SAT (CR + Math) = 1050 or ACT = 23 and a minimum of a 3.0 GPA.
Renewable up to four years.

FDU International Scholarship
$1,000 to $15,00 per year
Based on academic merit and demonstrated financial need.
SAT/ACT not required.

Renewable up to four years.
Global Housing Grant
$3,000 per year (renewable up to 2 years)
For students living on campus at the Metropolitan Campus ONLY.
Based on academic merit, financial need and extracurricular involvement.

for full information you can seen here:

York University
York University
Bachelors (BS) Degree

Deadline: 15 March 2012 (annual)
Study in: Canada
Course starts September 2012

Brief description:

The University of York offers Global Leader of Tomorrow Scholarships and International Entrance Scholarships for international students who would like to take a full-time undergraduate degree at University of York.

Host Institution(s):
York University in Ontario, Canada

Field of study:
Any undergraduate program in one of the following Faculties:
Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Environmental Studies, Fine Arts, Glendon, Health, Science & Engineering, Schulich School of Business.

Number of Awards:
Only one candidate per school will be considered for this award.

Target group:
The scholarships are open to international students from around the world.

Scholarship value/inclusions:
Global Leader of Tomorrow Award: $60,000 ($15,000 x 4 years)
International Entrance Scholarships: $100,000 ($25,000 x 4 years)

To renew the scholarship, one must maintain a high academic standing (7.80 on a 9-point York scale) in each academic year at York.

• You MUST be applying for September entry.
• You MUST be an international student who is required to have a Study Permit to study in Canada.
• You must be nominated by your high school.
• You must be applying to the first year of a full-time undergraduate degree program in one of the following Faculties: Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Environmental Studies, Fine Arts, Glendon, Health, Science & Engineering, Schulich School of Business.
• You must possess an excellent academic record (“A” average or equivalent) and have other accomplishments such as community service or excellence in the arts, sports or other areas of individual achievement. (Exception: York University Entrance Award)
• Demonstrates leadership skills

Application instructions:

The deadline for applications is on 15 March 2012. You are required to fill up the scholarship application form and submit supporting documentation (listed in the form).

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

B. Washington DC.
American University
American University
Bachelor’s Degree

Deadline: 15 January 2013
Study in: USA
 Course starts August 2013

Brief description:
The AU Emerging Global Leader Scholarship is targeted to high-achieving international students who wish to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in the US and who are dedicated to positive civic and social change. It is intended for students who will be to returning home to improve under-resourced, underserved communities in his/her home country.

Host Institution(s):
American University, Washington DC.

Field(s) of study:
Any undergraduate study offered at the University

Number of Scholarships:
One (1) scholarship will be awarded to a first-year (freshman) international student

Target group:
The scholarships are targeted to international secondary school students from any country. U.S. citizens, U.S. permanent residents or dual citizens of the U.S. and another country, are not eligible to apply.

Preference will be given to international students who have overcome various obstacles and challenges as well as those from diverse and under-represented global and socio-economic backgrounds.

Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship provides full tuition, fees, room and board. It is renewable for a total of four years of undergraduate study, based on continued satisfactory academic performance.


To be considered for the scholarship, candidates must be secondary school students (not university students) applying as first-year (freshman) students at American University for the August 2013 semester. Candidates must be from any another country other than the US and must need a visa to study in the United States (preference will be for those who need an F-1 or J-1 student visa).

In order to be eligible for the scholarship, the applicants should have:

• A minimum 3.8 GPA equivalent (or in the top 10 percent of graduating class) for 9th-12th grades
• A demonstrated commitment to service and advancing the needs of people in their home country
• Excellent oral and written communication skills in English, with a minimum 90 TOEFL iBT (with no subscore lower than 20) or 6.5 IELTS (with no subscore lower than 6.0)
• Demonstrated leadership, volunteerism and community service

Application instructions:

This scholarship is highly competitive. You must have a minimum 3.8 GPA equivalent and minimum 90 TOEFL or 6.5 IELTS English proficiency score in order to qualify for this scholarship. Only apply if you meet these criteria.

To qualify for August 2013 intake, students must submit the EGL Scholarship Application, the Common Application, and AU Supplement forms plus all supporting documents by 15 January 2013.

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) to access the applications forms and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

4. United Kingdom Scholarship
London Metropolitan University
London Metropolitan Univ
Bachelors/Masters Degree

Deadline: 31 Oct/31 May
Study in: London, UK
Next course starts February 2013

Brief description:
The ISH/London Met Scholarships is jointly run by International Students House (ISH) and London Metropolitan University. The scholarships are awarded to outstanding students from selected developing countries who wish to pursue an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at the University.

Host Institution(s):
London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

Field(s) of study:
Any undergraduate or postgraduate degree courses offered at the University

Number of Scholarships:
Not specified.

Target group:

Only students from the ISH Scholarship countries are eligible to apply:

Afghanistan, Armenia, Angola, Bhutan, Cameroon, Cuba, East Timor, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Mongolia, Namibia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tibet, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe.

Applications from countries other than those listed will not be considered for an ISH scholarship. If you are not in this list, consider applying for London Met Postgraduate Scholarships for International Students which is open to students from any country.

Scholarship value/inclusions:
Successful candidates receive free tuition for the duration of their degree at undergraduate or postgraduate level plus one year of free accommodaation at International Students House.


Eligible students applying for the ISH/London Met scholarship must hold an unconditional offer on one of the undergraduate or postgraduate degree courses offered by the University.

Applicants are judged on academic merit and on the likely economic/social benefit to their home country. (This must be clearly demonstrated in the personal statement. Evidence of paid and/or voluntary work done should also be included in the scholarship application, where applicable).

Application instructions:

Important: You cannot apply for a scholarship if you have not been offered admissions to your chosen degree. If you do not have an offer to study at London Met yet, please refer to How to Apply page. The annual deadlines are 31 May for courses starting in September and 31 October for courses starting in February.

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship

University of Oxford
University of Oxford
Undergraduate Degree

Deadline: 1 Feb 2013 (annual)
Study in: London, UK
Course starts October 2013

Brief description:
A number of Oxford colleges offer Reach Oxford Scholarships (formerly Oxford Student Scholarships) to students from developing countries who, for political or financial reasons, or because equivalent educational facilities do not exist, cannot study for a degree in their own countries.

Host Institution(s):
Oxford University in UK

Field(s) of study:
All undergraduate subjects except Medicine

Number of Awards:
A small number of awards will be made, yet to be confirmed

Target group:

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Rep., Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Dem. Rep., Congo, Rep., Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea, Dem. Rep., Kosovo, Kyrgyz, Rep., Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Federated States, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Samoa, São Tomé and Principe, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, St Kitts-Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and Grenadines, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Scholarship value/inclusions:
University fees and college fees, a grant for living expenses and one return air fare per year


This scheme is only suitable for candidates of the highest academic ability who have outstanding examination results. However, financial need and social commitment are also major criteria for selection.

Applicants should be aware that competition for the scheme is very high and the University does not have additional funding for those candidates who are not offered a scholarship.

Application instructions:

Students should must apply for admission to the University before they can be considered for a Reach Oxford Scholarship. The University is unable to accept any scholarship applications from students who have not been offered a place at Oxford.

You must make an application to the University through UCAS and be successful in gaining a place. You will then need to complete a separate scholarship application form. The 2013/14 application form will be available to download from December 2012. The deadline for applications is 1 February 2013.

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

C++ Guidebook and tutorial

This the the book that help everyone to learn how to operate C++ program
complete tutorial C++
from basics up to object oriented programming.

Link .rar

Monday, June 4, 2012

Review Android Vs BlackBerry

In the ongoing battle between mobile operating system giants like Google’s Android and Research in Motion’s (RIM) BlackBerry OS 7, it seems that would-be smartphone owners will find it hard to choose the best mobile OS for their everyday lives.

Many people are still considering whether to go with an Android-powered phone or a BlackBerry device. Thus, in this article, we provide a guide about the pros and cons of each platform to assist buyers in making informed choices.

From the looks of it Android seems to be the new kid from on the block. Introduced by Google way back in 2007, Android has grown tremendously in just a short time. Here is a shortlist of why Android is so great, and not-so-great.

Android Pros
Open Source. What makes Android shine out from the rest of the crowd is its being open source. This attracts many programmers and developers from all walks of life, as Google freely distributes its source code for the Linux kernel and other publicly licensed code for anyone who wants to contribute to the development of the software. In short, programmers and developers alike can easily whip out their own versions of Android custom-tailored whatever pleases them.
There’s an app for almost every situation, and since its inception, Android primarily focuses on enhancing user experience with the use of applications. With hundreds of thousands of apps in the Android Market, users will be overwhelmed by truckloads of apps that easily integrate with the Android OS to cater to their needs.
In terms of hardware, Android by far has the most numerous choices of smartphones to date. Mobile phone manufacturers like Sony Ericsson, Samsung, HTC, and Motorola offer customers a wide variety of smartphone choices to choose from. Android is flexible enough to run on almost all smartphones as long as it matches the minimum requirements.
When it comes to software, Android can run multiple apps at the same time as it has swap-space management–a luxury that not all mobile devices support due to hardware limitations. It also has ActiveSync built in natively, which allows you to easily synchronize contacts, mails, and personal information once the device is paired to a desktop computer. BlackBerry on the other hand requires some installation of software and a server.
Android Cons
Poor Battery Life. Most Android devices experience poor battery life and this is one of the major issues that Google and Android handset manufacturers are still addressing. A typical Android smartphone dies down within a day of normal use compared to BlackBerry’s corporate design that could handle even after a day’s heavy use.
The Android Market may have an extensive array of applications free to download, but many of them are crapware (i.e., useless apps) as Google doesn’t screen applications before they go online. You have to go through a lot of poorly designed apps before finding a decent one that matches your criteria.
Hardware Limitations.
Since Android virtually runs on most smartphones, there’s great chance that your phone may not live up to its potential. Some phones are limited to their hardware, Android may lag and cause the phone to freeze and restart itself to free up additional memory.


The veteran BlackBerry has seen its fair share of ups and downs in the market. Geared towards the corporate world, BlackBerry has adapted new strategies matching close rivals such as Google’s Android. Here is a shortlist of what makes BlackBerry a perfect and not-so-perfect choice among corporate professionals.
BlackBerry Pros
Push Email Technology. Proud owners of BlackBerry devices are always up to date when it comes to messaging. BlackBerry easily integrates push email technology in a breeze, allowing you to instantly receive messages as soon as they start showing up in your inbox. With BlackBerry’s push email service, you can easily receive and send messages in just a matter of seconds.
BlackBerry’s elegant keyboard still remains the number one choice for many of its customers. The elegant QWERTY keyboard allows faster typing and accuracy that is not normally found in many of its competitors. BlackBerry also is known for being rugged yet sexy, making it durable and resistant to many forms “abuse.”
Data Management.
The lifeblood that makes BlackBerry phones a stable choice for many corporate officials would be its handling of data compression. BlackBerry phones are capable enough for compressing data down to half the size, saving you the cost of expensive bandwidth.
Battery Life.
Amongst other competitors, BlackBerry seemingly has the best battery management providing users optimal power consumption in just a single full charge.
BlackBerry Cons
RIM has managed to follow in the footsteps of Apple by introducing their own BlackBerry App World. With much hype, the app store lacked decent amount of applications and it failed to attract developers with its poor interfaced leading to its demise.
Slow Web Browser.
Unlike its competitor, BlackBerry has the most sluggish response time when it comes to browsing the Internet. Although BlackBerry features data compression, it still can’t keep pace in loading Web resources like wallpapers and pictures.
Achieving its success by bridging the gap to the corporate world, BlackBerry failed to realize how important the average user can be. BlackBerry is looked upon as a corporate tool rather than an average device for the everyday person.

Comparison between Blackberry and Android

The smart phone war has steadily escalated over the last two years. As of this writing, the iPhone is still the most popular smartphone on the market, but it is limited to using either AT&T or Verizon’s network. For users who do not want a long-term contract, getting an iPhone is not an option. People on other networks such as T-Mobile or Boost have to choose between a Blackberry or Android if they want a smartphone. The question of which one is better depends on which features matter the most to you.

Blackberry is the long time king of mobile email. Many reviewers praise the Blackberry’s full QWERTY keyboard and claim that it is easier and faster to use than the Android’s touch screen typing. However, some Android models do offer a slide-out QWERTY keyboard. Blackberries synchronize with all kinds of email accounts, such as those from unique domains like a company’s website or webmail accounts like Gmail. Android phones can synchronize with multiple types of email accounts too, but the Android requires different apps in order to access each one. For example, accessing pop email and a Gmail account requires using two different applications. The Blackberry can access multiple email accounts using the same application. For mobile professionals who need to read and respond to emails quickly, a Blackberry is the best choice.

Web Browsing
Traditionally speaking, the Android has had a huge advantage in the area of web browsing thanks to most models’ larger screen and touch screen controls. However, the Blackberry is competing aggressively in this area with the release of the Blackberry Torch, which offers a larger screen, and touch screen controls. Although, many consumers and reviewers have pointed out that the Blackberry Torch’s web browser is significantly slower than the Android’s. Another drawback is that the Blackberry Torch is only available through a very limited number of carriers. Users who want a better web browsing experience will be happier with an Android phone.

There are a growing number of applications being developed for both platforms on a daily basis. However, with the exception of the Blackberry Torch, the track pad navigation of Blackberries makes using some applications, like eBook or eComic Book readers, more difficult. Users looking for a more iPhone-like experience will appreciate the Android’s touch screen navigation.

A look back at the original design intentions of Blackberry and Android phones determines a lot about their best uses. Blackberries were developed as a PDA device for mobile professionals, while Google developed the Android as a consumer competitor to the iPhone. Both scenarios are still largely true. Blackberries are better smart phones for business productivity, but many consumers feel that Android phones are a lot more flexible and fun.

Your Choice

Despite the limitations of both mobile platforms, Android and BlackBerry are still solid and extremely convenient operating systems. The user experience on either platform may differ in a lot of ways, but the two pretty much offer similar functionalities. While Android has a wider appeal, BlackBerry mostly has its charms towards corporate users and business professionals. Platform loyalty and personal sentiments aside, the two operating systems do have a lot to offer to those that choose them.

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hack~G.U vol 4 Returner

Description :
The characters from previous .hack//G.U. Games and .hack//Roots receive an email from Ovan. He is requesting them to go to Hidden Forbidden Festival where is set up a mysterious summer festival. There they find an AIDA Chim Chim who wishes to peacefully co-exist with the other players of The World. It then transforms into the word \\\"Returner\\\", so they assume it to mean that Ovan will return to The World.

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