Saturday, April 12, 2014

AURA KINGDOM : Abbreviation Language that we use

Everyone should know about MMORPG, or we can said that Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
as we know there are a lot of slank world that we use in MMORPG to help us talk with other player
well, now I will inform some of them
maybe you need it
This is from one of famous MMORPG that update lately

If you want to play, here the link
for your information, all of it free ^^

Here my character there:

well, let's continue:

I will explain it with 2 language, English and Indonesian (Bahasa)

  • LFP (Looking for Party) = Sedang mencari party
  • LFM (Looking for Members)= Sedang mencari member
  • LFG (Looking for guilds)   = Sedang mencari guild
  • TP/Tele = Teleport member party (Fungsi ketua party)
  • Lead/Leader = Ketua
  • WTB  (Want to buy) = ingin membeli
  • WTS  (Want to sell) = ingin memjual
  • WTT  (Want to trade) = ingin bertukar
  • B/O (Buy out) = Harga langsung beli ( Msh bisa nawar dan biasa ny dijual kepada penawaran tertinggi )
  • Best offer = Penawar tertinggi
  • C/O (Current Offer) = penawaran terakhir
  • GL (Good Luck) (biasa kalo mau instance/dungeon)
  • GF (Good Fights) = Petarungan yang bagus ( Bentuk kesopanan sesama player | Ampir gk pernah ada di games indo :v yang ada saling ngejek)
  • IGN (In Game Name) = Nama char di game
  • GH (Guild Hall)
  • GS (Gear Score) = point equip , tapi orang2 juga sering mengartikan GS sebagai (GunSlinger)
  • PVP (Player versus Player) = Antara duel sama orang lain, ikut excelsior arena, atau tanuki
  • PVE (Player versus Environment) = Intinya kita lawan monster dah..
  • AFK (Away from Keyboard) = biasanya orangnya pergi (ga ada di depan komputer)
  • BRB (Be Right Back) = Akan segera kembali.
  • FYI (For Your Information) = Sekedar informasi saja

  • Lure/pull/Taunt  = taunting monster ; Narik momon (Biasa dilakukan oleh bard/tanker dalam tarik 1 map dan dilakukan oleh Tanker dlm melawan boss)
  • B2B (Boss to boss) = similiar with lure but can taunt until boss area ; kayak lure tapi ini nariknya sampe ke tiap boss (ga sampe map terakhir), nanti semua momonnya dihajar sekalian sama bossnya. Kalo lure kan biasanya setiap member bakal bediri di depan portal, kalo b2b semua member juga ikutan lari ke boss.
  • Aggros/Malice   = Monster aggresively ; Keagresifan monmon terhadap kita
  • AOE (Area of effects) = Area attack ; Serangan Area ( Di AK AOE monster di tandai dgn warna merah ) 
  • Buff = give skill status ; Memberikan skill yang menambah status kekuatan.
  • Debuff/Disable = give skill to reduce or stop status ; Meberikan skill yang mengurangi/menghentikan status kekuatan.
  • HOT (Heal Over Time) = Skill heal yang healnya berlangsung beberapa detik (contoh: skill Ballad)
  • DOT (Damage Over Time) = Skill damage yang damagenya berlangsung beberapa detik (contoh: skill Blissful Harmony nya bard)
  • DOC (Damage on Cast) = Tipe skill yang total damagenya langsung aktif ketika animasi / proyektil skill tersebut hit ke musuh.
  • DPS = Damage Per Second, total damage yang dihasilkan dalam 1 detik, biasanya tipe-tipe class damage dealer memiliki DPS yang tinggi.
  • Burst = designation that we use when the class can use high DPS with some duration ; Istilah yang dipakai ketika suatu class (biasanya damage dealer) dapat mengeluarkan DPS yang tinggi dalam durasi tertentu, yang dikarenakan buff effect atau extra damage potion atau sejenisnya.
  • Kite = push the monster to follow your character with keeping the aggro monster to your character ; Memaksa monster untuk mengikutimu sambil tetap menjaga agro monster ke kamu. Kite adalah bentuk 'tanking' bagi non-tank.


  • Damage Dealer (DD) = This type class focus to damage enemy, and have high DPS ; Tipe class yang fokus untuk men-damage musuh, memiliki DPS rata-rata yang lebih tinggi dibanding Healer atau Tanker.
  • Nuker = Sub-tipe DD which have DOC skill type with a large area ; Sub tipe DD yang cenderung memiliki skill tipe DOC dengan area yang cukup luas.
  • Tanker = Tukang TB alias Badak
  • Debuffer = Tukang memberi buff negatif (Ikat/Stun/Sleep/Bleed/Curse dll)
  • Healer = Tukang Ngeheal.
  • Glasscannon = Designation to class that can give High Damage but have low defense ; Sebutan bagi kelas yang dapat memberikan damage super besar (Burst damage) tapi memiliki defense super kecil. (Hence glasscannon, glass karena defnya rapuh, cannon karena damagenya sakit)
  • Offensive Tanker = designation to secondary tanker in party ; Sebutan bagi secondary tanker dalam ber-party. Tugas off-tank bukan untuk tanking mob, tapi untuk menahan agro di dia sampai main tank bisa ambil alih kembali agronya.
  • Kiter = Designation to class that can kite ; Sebutan bagi kelas yang bisa kiting. Apa itu kiting? Kiting adalah metode di mana kamu memaksa monster mengikutimu sambil menjaga agro monster tersebut tetap di dirimu

  • DMG (Damage) = Serangan
  • CRIT (Critical) = Kritikal (chance untuk bisa menghasilkan serangan sesuai dengan % CRIT DMG)
  • CRIT DMG (Critical Damage) = Damage atau nilai serangan yang diberikan ketika critical keluar
  • SPD (Speed) = Kecepatan
  • HP (Health Points) = Nyawa
  • DEF (Defense) = Pertahanan
  • EVA (Evasion) = Hindaran
  • ACC (Accuracy) = Akurasi. Biasanya orang yang EVA nya tinggi akan sulit diserang. ACC dapat ditingkatkan untuk memudahkan kita menyerang orang yang build EVA


  • TOE = Temple of Eidolons.
  • DH = Dimension Hall
  • AT = Alabastren Temple
  • GG = Gydaie Glen
  • MS = Miner's Steppe
  • DC = Deep's Cavern
  • CC = Candeo Core
  • WT = Wrathborne Temple
  • OS = Otherworld Skandia
  • OW = Otherworld
  • GC = Ghostweep Cave
  • OT = Ozymand Temple
  • ST = Sky Tower
  • IA = Infernal Abyss
  • WA = Whirpool Abyss
That's all for now, hope it can help;

Have fun in game

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Advertizing chance Pay4Shares money maker

Yo guys
just wanna to share something like money maker chance
here you know that there aare a lot of money maker site that giving us chance to gain some somey from internet, but don't you know that most of them want us to paid several dollars in the first time
well I think it just like "man this is suck!"
then I'll try to give you a chance to gain that without paid anything

here the link, try to check it out:

this site it just kind make us help them to advertize their client and guve us some of their profit
and the best information is, all of it free
we just make the account and advertize it or make everyone check link that you gave

if you asked me are they giving us free money? the answer is nope.
they paid you from the advertisement that you did
if they lied to you, at least you didn't suffer the financial loss

Try it and prove it

if there are any question just post it and I'll try to answer it